Thousand Oaks, CA
Home MenuSustainability
The Sustainability Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for the management of solid and hazardous waste, and for developing programs to reduce energy and water use. The Division is also responsible for the development of a Climate and Environmental Action Plan, community energy action plan, and clean energy programs including coordination with the Clean Power Alliance. The City of Thousand Oaks prides itself on environmental leadership, employs over 60% alternative fuel vehicles in its fleet, and encourages the use of bicycles and public transit.
EV Advocates Charge Ahead with Drive Electric Events
September 2024. National Drive Electric Week, September 27 through October 6, 2024, is a nationwide event to raise awareness of the benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid cars, trucks, motorcycles, and more. It connects those curious about EVs with local owners who can share their experiences.
Keeping Our Roadways Clean
September 2024. September is “National CleanUp Month” and one of the things that makes the City of Thousand Oaks such a beautiful place to live and work is its cleanliness. The City makes a concerted effort to remove litter from its streets and freeway ramps through regularly scheduled cleaning...
Free Landfill Day coming September 14th
August 2024. Do you need to dispose of waste debris from your summer DIY project? Have unwanted bulky items or excess trash? Trimming your trees, shrubs, or removing turf? Load up your waste items and bring them to the Calabasas Landfill for Free Landfill Day on Saturday, September 14th!
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