Thousand Oaks, CA
Home MenuConejo Creek North Park Equestrian and Bike Path Improvements
Project Description:
The works include the construction of approximately 450 feet of paved bike path adjacent to an improved equestrian trail, with a short section of approximately 250 feet of shared concrete pavers pathway, between the north end of Conejo Creek Park North and Avenida de Las Flores, just east of the 23 Freeway overpass.
The project will include minor construction work on Avenida de Las Flores. See the location map for more detail.
Project time Frame:
Construction work is anticipated to start in December 2019 and run through the end of April 2020.
Project Funding:
This project is funded by the City’s Capital Fund Budget (Air Quality Developer Fees).
Project Benefits:
With the completion of the Conejo Creek South Bike Path in 2011, the construction of this short “missing link” will provide continuous and safe access to important community facilities including Conejo Creek North, Grant R. Brimhall Library, Thousand Oaks Teen Center and Adult Senior Center, and Conejo Creek South Park.
Project maps and impacts:
During construction, there will be traffic control set up along Avenida de Las Flores and within the Conejo Creek North Park parking lot. If needed, “No Parking” signs will be posted 48-hour in advance. During the duration of the improvements, work hours (7:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday), sidewalk and walking path within the construction zone will be closed for public safety. The residents may also experience some construction noise.
Additional Project Information:
For questions or concerns, please contact Gareth Madrid at or (805) 449-2469.