Thousand Oaks, CA
Home MenuCity of Thousand Oaks Geo Hub
Map Use Notice:
The City of Thousand Oaks ArcGIS Hub is a convenient site to view maps and spatial data from the City’s Geographic Information System (GIS). Much of the City’s GIS data can be explored in the City’s principal GIS map found near the top of the Hub. Most of the data layers on this map are maintained and supported by the City of Thousand Oaks with the exception of parcel data which is provided to the City by the Ventura County Assessor’s Office. The City receives updates of parcel data from the County Assessor on a regular basis.
The City is developing an update schedule for its dynamic GIS data. If you have questions about the currency of any GIS data, contact Nelson Guandique ( or Mary Anne Van Zuyle (
Please note that aerial imagery on any City map will be misaligned with parcel boundaries. Parcel boundaries are verified by a licensed surveyor. Aerial imagery does not have the same level of accuracy. If you have questions about where your property boundaries are, we suggest you retain the services of a licensed surveyor.